Weed Biology
- Using Knowledge of Weed Spatial Variability in Integrated Weed Management Systems (1997)
- Influence of Fertilizer Placement on Jointed Goatgrass in Winter Wheat (1996)
- Winter Wheat or Spring Crops? Only Your Jointed Goatgrass Population Knows For Sure! (1996)
- Population dynamics of three winter annual grasses (1994)
- Crop Residue Reduces Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) Seedling Growth (1993)
- Effect of duration of jointed goatgrass interference on winter wheat grain yield(1992)
- Jointed Goatgrass Seed Dormancy Varies by Region on the Spike (1992)
- N management for winter wheat (1992)
- The origin of wheat and its relationship to jointed goatgrass (1992)
- Jointed Goatgrass Competitiveness is Influenced by Winter Wheat Seeding Rate(1997)
- Influence of Winter Wheat Height on Competitiveness with Jointed Goatgrass (1997)
- Jointed goatgrass interference in southern Idaho winter wheat (1996)
- The Effect of Winter Wheat Seeding Rate on Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host) Competitiveness (1996)
- Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) Ecology and Interference in Winter Wheat (1993)
- Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Emergence Variability in a Semiarid Region (1996)
- Processing Reduces Seed Germination and Emergence of Jointed Goatgrass (1993)
Weed Management
- Selected physical properties of jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host) (1997)
- An Integrated Approach To Jointed Goatgrass Control (1995)
- Evaluation of tillage and herbicides in an integrated management approach for the control of jointed goatgrass in winter wheat (1995)
- Biology of Jointed Goatgrass (1991)
- Effect of Postharvest Field Burning on Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) Germination (1990)
- Cheat control in winter wheat (1994)
- Herbicide-grazing interactions in cheat (Bromus secalinus)-infested winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) (1990)
- Selective biocontrol of winter annual grass weeds in winter wheat (1993)
- Biological control of winter annual grass weeds in winter wheat (1992)
- Winter annual brome control in winter wheat (1992)
- Assessment of Rhizobacteria as selective herbicides (1991)
- Control of winter annual grass weeds in winter with indigenous soil bacteria (1991)
- Is dormant wild oat (Avena Fatua) line M73 a homozygous population? (1996)
- Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides (1994)
- Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) resistance to diclofop in the Red River Valley (1993)
- Wild oat (Avena fatua) interference in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) (1985)
- Evaluation of fall-applied, preemergence herbicide application on carbon-banded roughstalk bluegrass (1997)
- Control of common crupina in advanced growth stages (1992)
- Weed control in fallow with two glyphosate formulations and various surfactants (1992)
Not all abstracts related to the subjects listed can be posted to this site.
Additional references can be searched for through theĀ USDA Agricultural Library.