Extension Bulletins
Scientists involved in the National Jointed Goatgrass Research Program are prepared bulletins to provide wheat producers with the most current information on jointed goatgrass management. To read these bulletins online you must have Adobe Reader.
- Jointed Goatgrass Genetics
- Jointed Goatgrass Ecology
- Strategies to Minimize the Risk of Herbicide-Resistant Jointed Goatgrass
Best Management Practices
- Jointed Goatgrass, Best Management Practices, Intermountain Region
- Jointed Goatgrass, Best Management Practices, Southern Great Plains
- Jointed Goatgrass, Best Management Practices, Central Great Plains
- Jointed Goatgrass, Integrated Management, Pacific Northwest
News Releases
- Producers in Utah Use Safflowers to Knock Out Jointed Goatgrass
- Can Jointed Goatgrass Invade Pastures?